Solar Control Films - Tint Distributor & Wholesale Auto Tinting Materials

Window Film Beats Low-E Glass

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Solar Films Conserve Energy
How Solar Film Is Made
How Solar Film Works
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Low-Emissivity or low-e units as they are more commonly referred to, were origianlly designed for very cold climates. Emissivity is a measure of the ability of a surface to absorb and re-rediate energy, and for this reason they were great in cold climates where heating was the dominating factor for development. By re-radiating energy, it reduced the need to run a home's heater because the window would increase heat inside the home.

Today, units are coated to produce a high solar gain, moderate solar gain, or low solar gain window, depending on the desired function of the window and the climate. The low solar gain units are the ones that most resemble solar control window film. Although these units act in a similar fashion to film, they do not perform as well. The best units will only block about sixty five percent of the solar energy, compared to the top performing films that block as much as eighty eight percent. This is a difference of twenty three percent more solar energy that passes through a low-e unit, reducing the amount of energy savings that can be provided had window film been installed.

Cost is another factor to consider when choosing to buy low-e units compared to window film. The current price for a 4' x 4' insulated low-e unit to buy is $385-$425. This does not include installation costs. The average price for window film installed on a window this size is $120-$160, depending on the type of film chosen to buy. The film costs a third of what the window alone costs, and again, will out-perform the low-e unit by more than twenty percent for heat blockage.
For more information on window film, visit the International Window Film Association website.

How Solar Film Is Made

How Solar Film Works

Conserve Energy With Tint

To find out more information on where to find local tinters to buy film,
contact a tint distributor of solar control window film at:

STL Tint Supplier

Houston Tint Supplier

Solar control window film is known by many different terms such as commercial tint, residential tint, premium solar control film, glass tinting, home window tint, solar tint, sun tint, uv tint, professional window tint, architectural film, and reflective tint. Solar Control Films is proud to be the distributor of best buy Global Window Film in the South and Midwest with two tint distributor centers based in Houston, Texas and St. Louis, Missouri to buy your solar films.  Buy tint and conserve energy.

Houston  •  Austin  •  Fort Worth  •  Dallas  •  Odessa •  Tulsa
Kansas City  •  St. Louis  •  Baton Rouge  •  New Orleans  •  Topeka
Oklahoma City  •  El Paso  •  Little Rock  •  Wichita  •  Olathe  •  Shreveport
Omaha  •  Lincoln  •  Sioux Falls  •  Park  •  Woodlands

Solar Control Films Inc
6100 Chapman Street
Houston, Texas 77022
877.989.FILM (3456)